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Ecsteriority3 (2011)

Ecsteriority3 is the third part of Bartosik’s Ecsteriority trilogy (Ecsteriority 1 & 2 premiered in 2008). In this work, for Bartosik and long-time collaborator Marc Mann, she further develops her interest in decay and the collapsibility of space, while delving into a rigorous exploration of duration. Ecsteriority3 is a 30 minute dance, looped 12 times, to take place over a six-hour period.

Created specifically for a site-specific performance at the French Embassy in NYC, the set includes dog-like taxidermy forms–also used to build the haunting landscape for Ecsteriority2– which inhabit one of the building’s decadent marble hallways, creating an otherworldy environment in which the sense of time is more imagined than real.

In Ecsteriority3, Bartosik radically mingles the performer and audience realities, rendering the piece dependent on the presence of spectators who join the performers in the space, staying as long as they choose, and establishing a crucial, balancing sense of real time.


Ecsteriority3 premiered on September 17, 2011 during the opening day performances of Crossing the Line, a NYC-based performance Festival initiated and produced by FIAF.


It is commissioned by Crossing the Line, a NYC-based performance Festival initiated and produced by French Institute/Alliance Francaise (FIAF). The work was created in residence at the Herberger School of Art and Design, School of Dance, at Arizona State University.

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